Support the Pasta Flyer KickStarter Project!

KickStarter is a perfect place to find projects within your areas of interest to support. Most recently I was notified of a KickStarter campaign for Pasta Flyer, a proposed Gluten Free popup store hoping to travel to  several cities (including New York) across the USA in the fall before opening perminent locations. Lead by Chef Mark Ladner of NYC’s Del Posto restaurant, Pasta Flyer seeks to:

“…bring together our love for two contrasting cultures:  rural Italy’s unhurried pasta lunches, prepared by seasoned grandmothers, and urban Japan’s bustling, quick-service ramen shops.

Customers will get to create their own pasta dishes with a variety of pasta shapes, sauces, proteins, and other toppings. They can also order salads and snacks. The best part though? Every dish is designed to be ready within 3 minutes. Yes, THREE! How awesome is that? And to top it off, Pasta Flyer will strive to keep all fruits, vegetables, and herbs fresh and local, supporting your local farmers. I know I am Freaking excited!

So, if this sounds like a good idea to you (and why wouldn’t it) swing on by their KickStarter and back them before July 5th. Backers can win goodies such as a free bowl at one of the pop-up stores this fall, a t-shirt, pasta and sauce mailed to your door and much more depending on your donated amount.

See their other websites below for further details:


Celtic Celiac @