Our gluten free journey is two fold: It is in and of itself a journey to live life gluten free, and it is something that influences our travel in many ways.
“• The excitement felt when finding gluten free food on the road simply can’t be matched by anything. Seriously, who gets to be that ecstatic about food? When I found GF cookies to pack with me on a hike in the mountains, I was smiling for hours, before being gluten free I never reacted like that to a mere cookie.”
Rather than view my gluten free lifestyle as a burden, I need to remember to view it as a gift. It gives me a whole new perspective through which to view life and travel, and an entirely new and fun way to relate to strangers. I wouldn’t savor food and eat my way through every vacation if it weren’t for my diagnosis. Likewise, I wouldn’t have discovered as many new foods as I have (such as my love of papadum) nor would I have met so many like minded bloggers who can tell me the best of the best in their areas.So, I started planning this trip through a different set of eyes. I went and searched for non chain restaurants to try and already made a new friend, and packed some new products instead of the same old thing. Honestly, I feel a bit excited about this trip now.
Living gluten free may make the path more difficult, but it makes the journey a true adventure. So, get out there and put your own adventure into your journey whether it is your day to day life or your next trip!