Gluten Free News Round-Up: September 4th-10th

5 Strategies to Maximize Nutrient Absorption in Celiacs (and Beyond)
This article is very helpful knowledge in regards to simple ways you can boost the intake of the nutrients in the food you already eat. As a Celiac, who is healing, and an individual with Fibro, who is trying to feel better, simple tricks like this are always helpful!

Indian City Launches Celiac Disease Database
While this article is brief the idea behind it is quite powerful. In creating a database of clients who have been diagnosed with Celiac Disease not only can we more easily standardize care but we can better offer educational services to these individuals. However, the issue of HIPAA, which I am not sure are used in India, violations also come into play. Could this database be misused or is it unethical to have a centralized list that all doctors in that town can see? What do you think?

Rapid Testing and Diagnostic Tool Use Growing in Europe
Apparently our friends on the other side of the ocean are seeing an improvement in diagnosis with the spread of a rapid testing piece called Simtomax, which is now available for use in may European countries. I see this test as similar to the on-the-spot HIV test, in which your finger is pricked at the top of the device and your blood is ‘processed’ over a period of a few minutes to give a positive or negative result. A diagnostic tool such as this for celiac disease could increase the likelihood of screening, across all SES levels and groups of people, my making it cheaper, less invasive and quicker. Let’s use this in the USA Folks!

Celiac Cure: Get the Gluten Before it Gets You
This is the second part of the CeliAct post that I posted a few weeks ago looking at potential ‘cures’ for celiac disease. This article is aimed at something  a bit more odd than a vaccine, but something some of us are already familiar with: A pill, now known as ALV003 that allows us to break down gluten proteins we eat so that our digestion of them doesn’t case a CD reactions. This is very similar to a Lactaid pill taken for Lactose Intolerance. I am not sure how I feel about this because unlike Lactose Intolerance, which causes little damange, CD causes damage when we eat these foods. Taking this pill, or adding it to glutenous foods, could end up being harmful if testing is not extensive.

Celtic Celiac @