Gluten Free News Round-Up: March 3rd-9th

New Centre for Coeliac Disease Launched in Sheffield
Those with Coeliac Disease, other gluten related conditions, or who are concerned they might have such conditions have a new center available to them in the UK. The center will be opening up at the Royal Hallamshire Hospital.

Should Patients With Morbid Obesity be Tested for Celiac Disease Before Surgery?
This article discusses recent research suggests that pre-operative screening for Celiac Disease might be beneficial for morbidly obese patients seeking bariatric surgery. The article suggests that those who are obese have a similar rate of CD when compared to the general population, but still makes the recommendation of treatment. This is a small study, and I would like to see further research of the connection between the two but it’s important to remember that CD symptoms vary WIDELY.

Tips for Cooking on Your Own: A College Girls Perspective
I love getting different perspectives on cooking and food preparation. This article suggests tips for GF cooking for those in college or graduate school. Very nicely done!

Pageant Winner, an RN, Set to Discuss Celiac Disease
This is simple news, but I love sharing positive stories from the media. It is great to have role models for any medical condition!

Celtic Celiac @