Gluten Free News Round-Up: July 3rd- July 9th

Not too much in the news or research arena this past week:

Limited Biopsy samples taken during procedure result in Lower CD diagnoses
Four Biopsy samples are needed to diagnose Celiac Disease but unfortunately the ‘standard’ number of samples taken when preforming biopsies is 2 according to the recent study discussed here. Adherence to the guidelines could result in increased diagnoses and less unnecessary testing in other areas for those suffering with CD Symptoms.

This article is just a quick update on how the GF life style is holding up in celebrity news. Lots of Sports people are going GF recently!
I always love hearing about small businesses going gluten free, for what ever reason. It is great to know that when you go on a road trip, or visit someone living not in a big city, you’ll have GF options. While I don’t live in PA I enjoy it there so i felt I should share.
Foodista, a great website to share your recipes, is involved in food expos that occur all over the country for food bloggers. Here is the info for the next two. I would love to attend one of these, if only I had the time/cash!
Celtic Celiac @