Gluten Free News Round-Up: August 18-24

Men with Celiac Disease Shorter than Non-celiac Peers
This recent study looked at the end height, your final adult height, in men and woman with Celiac Disease. There findings were interesting. Men with CD were shorter than men without the condition, while there was no real difference in height between women with or without CD.

The Inner Turmoils of Having Celiac Disease
And now for a bit of humor. This Buzz Feed article gives an interesting meme spin on the life of a Celiac, from diagnosis to responses from friends an more. Honestly, its so perfectly accurate and gave me a great giggle to start the morning.

Back-to-school Lunches for Celiac Sufferers
With school almost back in swing, this article from the LA times discusses what families need to consider for their child with CD in regards to school lunch. It includes helpful tips from deciding whether or not your child should eat school lunch, to choosing a lunch box that helps prevent cross contamination.

Celtic Celiac @