Gluten Free Health and Wellness Festival coming to Victoria, British Columbia

I’m often asked to share information on upcoming events, even if they are not local, and as a resource for the gluten free community I have no problem doing so. It’s even more special though to share information on new events. Most recently I was contacted to share information regarding Victoria, British Columbia’s first ever Gluten Free Health and Wellness Festival. Here are further details:
The full-day event will be hosted at the Victoria Conference Center. Vendors will share great food, beverages and cosmetics to sample and buy as well as educate and create community awareness around gluten intolerance, digestive disorders, and health & wellness. Thought leaders, nutritionists, chefs and discussion panels will speak on nutrition throughout the day in a private theatre, with the opportunity for questions and answers. 

The event will be from 12-5pm, with a special talk from Dr. William Davis, author of The New York Times #1 Bestseller Wheat Belly, at 7PM. Tickets for both the event and the talk can be purchased here. 

This is an opportunity to listen and learn from Dr. William Davis, author of the New York Times best selling book The Wheat Belly as well as connect with others in discussion and learning.  The day will take you beyond the sound bites on TV, radio and newspapers that can only share a glimpse and offers you and in depth look.

The event organizers would like to give a special shout out and thanks to their local sponsors:  Red Barn MarketsOrigin Bakery and Pacific Rim College. Certainly consider going if you are in the area!
Celtic Celiac @