Calling in Sick- for a Week

Hey readers, I apologize about the delay in posts this week. Not only is it the start of midterm time but I have also been sick for the past few days. Quite frankly I am exhausted and will have no time to write a new post until the weekend. For now I would like to feature one of my older posts, the first in fact, which I would like to share in honor of Saint Patrick’s Day!

My Ancestors Survived the Potato Famine and All I got was this Lousy Celiac Disease

Obviously the title is a play on words, I got far more than that from being Irish. What were your experiences with finding out you had Celiac Disease? Obviously this is a genetic disease but do you feel your heritage played a big role for you and those with that heritage are more likely to have CD than others? I sure do!

Share your thoughts and keep me entertained 🙂

Sláinte! Good health and a Happy Saint Patrick’s Day to you and yours! 

Celtic Celiac @