You’ve likely seen the hype about Rudi’s new gluten free bread recipe, which claims to bring back the soft and fluffy taste and texture which has been missing from most of our gluten free sandwich breads. Does this product live up to the hype? In my eyes, YES!
I have always been one to sparingly eat bread products after going gluten free, mainly because slices seemed to dry and lost their shape (fell apart) too often for me. But, I’ve tried both the newer multigrain and cinnamon raisin loaves from Rudi’s and they meet the expectation of bringing about a new age of soft and fluffy for the gluten free community. To me they seem to defrost quicker, stay fresh longer, and seemed generally more bouncy and less crumbly.
But the best part? When cooked the slices maintain their shape a lot better than the old recipe or any other gf manufactured sandwich breads I have tried. The slices made for some fantastic grilled cheeses and french toasts so far that were flavorful and intact! Rudi’s Soft and Fluffy, and gluten free are indeed a match made in heaven.
To celebrate the return of Soft and Fluffy to the kitchens of the gluten free community, Rudi’s has partnered with me to offer one lucky reader the opportunity to bring home another form of Soft and Fluffy. So, here’s the deal:

- Two Coupons for one free Rudi’s Product
- Soft decorative pillow
- Cozy microsherpa throw blanket
- Eco-friendly kitchen towels
- Kitchen compost pail
- Kitchen candle
The How: Each of the below offers you a chance to win, but you must comment on this entry separately for each that you do for it to count as a separate entry. Be sure to leave a comment which contains your name and email.
1. ‘Like’ my Facebook Page, and leave me a comment saying that you did.
2. Share some love with Rudi’s as a thank you by liking their facebook page, and leave me a comment saying you did.
3. Since it’s winter time we could all use something soft and fluffy. Share with me below how you would use either Rudi’s new soft and fluffy bread, or some of the products offered in this give away (or both!) to tide over the winter months. I could use some new ideas to keep me cozy through the rest of these winter months!
4. Re-Post this giveaway via Twitter, facebook, Tumbler etc. Be sure to include me in, or send me the link once you’ve posted. Also be sure to leave a comment here saying you shared.
4. Re-Post this giveaway via Twitter, facebook, Tumbler etc. Be sure to include me in, or send me the link once you’ve posted. Also be sure to leave a comment here saying you shared.
I’ll be picking the winner of this giveaway on February 25th, and will be contacting the winner directly to get their address!
Good Luck and Happy Entering!
Celtic Celiac @
Done & done!
The comforts of the winter are a great bowl of soup, a great piece of bread, with butter of course, a cozy house and a cozy fire. Winning this will help me cuddle up with the warm blanket and eating your yummy bread with my home made soup. They are predicting a winter storm here on Thursday, so hurry!!!
I not only like Rudi’s GF breads toasted, I also find them quiet pallatable untoasted. For example to make a peanut butter sandwich Rudi’s white bread does very well at maintaining the same moisture and texture as reguar bread. Never thought GF bread could taste so good.
It is the only GF bread i’ve come across that has the versatility. Please post your email if you are interested in a change to win, and thanks for commenting!
You can never have too many blankets or pillows in winter 🙂
Steph Markovitch
LOVE Rudi’s Bread! I was a loyal buyer of another gluten free bread but decided to give Rudi’s a try. Now I am a loyal buyer of Rudi’s – THE BEST gluten free bread I have tried!!!!
It is so good isn’t it? Please share your email if you would like a change to win 🙂
I would like to use this bread to to make a nice gluten free bread pudding. Perhaps also one of my grilled turkey sandwich with thinly sliced turkey, bacon, lettuce, tomato, and cheese, grilled to perfection. After I get my Rudis Goodies ready I will relax with that lovely pillow and blanket and candle. A great way to destress after my most recent spine surgery 😀
Thanks for the comments everyone! Be sure to include some way I can contact you if you are interested in a change to win the giveaway!
Shirley Corio, would like to sniggle with a warm grilled cheese on a soft and fluffy pillow… Sounds like a good idea…
Thanks for sharing your gluten free page on Facebook. I’m looking forward to delving into your site. I also can’t wait to try Rudi’s bread in my breakfast casserole, as that will be a warm, toasty way to end the winter season!
Just found your blog and I love it! I have “liked” your blog on Facebook.
Carmen Raggio
Enjoyed sharing the link with my friends, too.
like u on fb Julie A Scott Laws
like rudi fb Julie A Scott Laws
Would love to win !! Sherry –
Would love to win! Sherry –
Liked facebook page!
Sherry, Please check your email as you were the winner. However, if I don’t hear back in the week I will have to pick another winner as the coordinator at Rudi’s is going out on maternity leave.
Liked your fb page 🙂
Thanks so much for the generous giveaway! As I am looking out my window, cold rain is drizzling and the roads are covered in salt, signaling freezing ice coming tonight. What could be better than a warm, fluffy microsherpa blanket on a day like today?
Liked you on Facebook as Elena Vo.
lifesdeepcolors at hotmail dot com
Liked Rudi’s on Facebook as Elena Vo
lifesdeepcolors at hotmail dot com
Hello Elena! The original winner of this giveaway never got back to me so I reselected a winner and you won. Congratulations! I’ll be emailing you at the above email so keep a look out for it so you can respond!
Thank you! I just responded to your email.
Shared the giveaway on Facebook here:
To stay warm and cozy during winter, I’d make spicy grilled cheese sandwiches with Rudi’s soft and fluffy bread (provolone+ mozzarella cheese+ Sriracha Rooster Sauce+ butter+ amazing Rudi’s bread, all grilled together).
That sounds amazing! Sriracha is one of my new favorite things!
Yes! It is the best. Between my room-mate and I we easily finish off an entire bottle in two months 🙂 have you had Sriracha popcorn?
Nope but I’ve been eyeing a recipe 🙂
Let me know what you think, I’ve tried Sriracha popcorn made with coconut oil and almost licked the bowl clean 😀
The compost pail would be helpful to keep a lid on our compost (right now it’s in an open bowl until we take it outside).
My daughter has CD and I’m always searching for delicious breads for her. I live in a small town and there are not many choices. 🙂
I am sorry to hear that. I feel like it’s a growing issue. Please share your email if you are interested in winning!
I liked your Facebook page!
I liked rudi’s facebook!
I reposted to twitter via @MikeDRDtoBe
I would make rudi’s bread into yummy croutons an feed a bird a day for all of winter!